Time of Day to Take Clomid - Success???
15 Replies
mother2Bsoon - January 25

Hi Ladies! I have recently started posting on this site and decided to step out there and start my own thread. I'm sure it will probably be a short thread, but I have to ask. Yesterday was my last day of provera and waiting for AF to show her face so that I can begin Clomid 50mg, CD5-9. What I would like to know is what is the best time of day to take clomid for its effectiveness and lessen the side effects? This is for first cycle of Clomid...need lots of support and have lots of questions. Thanks for joining and Happy, Sticky Baby Dust to you All!!!


tanner789 - January 25

i take mine at night about 7pm, i find i dont have much symptoms except ocassional hot flashes, unfortunately the clomid hasnt worked yet for me, hope you get a better response best of luck


mother2Bsoon - January 25

Tanner - thanks a lot for the input. I will make sure I keep it with me so that I can attempt to take at the same time every day. Sometimes my schedule is off. What cycle are you on? Baby dust to you!!!


Mindy1 - January 25

Hello there and welcome :) I took Clomid on days 3-7, and I took mine at 11am every day. Normally, if you take the pills at the same time everyday, your body gets used to the side effects. This first 2 days were a little nauseous, but that was it for me.. From what Ive heard/seen people can take it at any time in the day or night, as long as its at the same time each day it shouldnt make much of a difference. Let me know if you have any other questions..... How long have you been ttc?


mother2Bsoon - January 25

Hi Mindy! Yes, I am still awake. I am supposed to be working, but I have been online on this site and taking a peek at maternity clothes...wishful and prayerful thinking. My DH and I have been trying for about 18 months. This is our first time using clomid. I feel pretty good about the possibility of getting pregnant the first time...so I pray. Were you successful on your first round of clomid? How many mg?


Mindy1 - January 25

Hey there! Im still awake too haha. I have also been TTC for 16 mos, and I did not ovulate at all, that was my problem. I started on 3-7 with 50mgs. I am currently Ovulating, and today is CD 16. I am excited that its working!!! I know how you feel, I have also been looking at birth announcements and cute clothes. I cannot wait. Clomid works for sooo many women. I hope it works for you. What CD are you on?


mother2Bsoon - January 25

Hey Mindy! I finally forced myself to go to sleep. Been at work since 7:15AM. I am on waiting on AF. I am believing God that she will show her face today. If so, I will begin CD5-9. So you are a little ahead of me...but hopefully we will be talking about baby clothes and maternity wear VERY SOON:-). Let's keep in touch. Baby dust to you and to everyone who reads this thread! Many, Many Blessings!!!


karenk - January 25

Hi. I used Clomid for the first time back in Nov 06 and got pregnant, unfortunately miscarried soon after. I was one of the lucky ones with little to no side effects from the medication, other than a headache after my third dose, and moodiness. I was on 100mg, cds 3-7. I start my second round tonight. I took the med at night before going to sleep, around 10pm. It certainly wasn't the exact same time every night, but within an hour or so of that timeframe. I took it with milk as I found the taste to be HORRIBLE. Here's to it working again....or for the first time!


angelkitty - January 25

Hi there ladies, I will be starting my 2st round of clomid on sat....I have been ttc for 18 mos as well. I usually post on the 2ww thread. I am excited about starting clomid and feel really hopeful that it will work. We will be trying an IUI this cycle as well. I wish you both the best.


SaintRose83 - January 25

mother2B.... I took Clomid 50mg days
5-9. I took mine right before bedtime, around 11pm. I slept though most of the side effects.. only one I had that I know of is Hot Flashes... and they weren't too bad. I ovulated on cycle day 21. Good luck


mother2Bsoon - January 25

Great, info! Thanks a lot guys. I can't wait to actually start. Waiting on AF...


DB - January 27

I took clomid days 5-9 100mg, along with hcg trigger shot. I got my trigger shot on cd17 (had u/s to measure follicles), so I o'd the next day. THANK GOD, it worked the first time around (although I had tried 50mg with another doctor with no success). I took it night before bed, usually around 10pm. I'm due on Sunday. Good luck to you all ttc. I understand the frustration, but it's so worth it in the end.


mother2Bsoon - January 27

Thanks a lot DB!!! Looks like night time is the best time to avoid side effects.

AF is here and the cycle days begin. Many Blessings to ALL!!!


angelkitty - January 27

Hi there ladies...I got my clomid today and start taking it tomorrow....I think I will definitely take at night.


AJvR - August 30

Hello All, I started Clomid 50mg yesterday and taking days 5-9. I just read through the thread above and I was wondering if you were all successful? I hope so!!


Neha5 - September 14

Use Clomid exactly as directed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose to make sure you get the best results. Do not take this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.

Your doctor will perform medical tests to make sure you do not have conditions that would prevent you from safely using Clomid.

Clomid is usually taken for 5 days, starting on the 5th day of your menstrual period. Follow your doctor's instructions.



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