This is fun.....TRY this....
57 Replies
Melissa - July 15

Hey melany, sorry but i have not heard of this "exercise". although it does sound interesting. to get yes or no answers you could use a deck of cards( it usually works for me). shuffle the deck seven times then just ask a question. Red is yes, black is no. Also the higher the number the more accurate the answer. Again, this is also ONLY for FUN..... Hi Staci, when you did it last time was the ring swinging or spinning? if it was spinning in a circle while you traced that is ok. oh and when you trace your fingers, no your not supposed to touch your fingers, only outline them. ;) hope this helps. dust to all.........


jen - July 17

I'm having 4. boy girl girl boy! perfect! i've always wanted 4 kids! lets just hope this is right!!


Sue - July 17

I also found that there is no need to trace the fingers. I found it also worked over the palm of your hand. Exact same results as the necklace/ring - Girl then Boy..and like you Jen I also wanted 2 kids and one of each!


SUE-2 - July 18

WOW! I had never heard of this so I was keen to give it a go. My results were b,b,b,g. I have just recently lost our 1st baby which was a boy, and as crazy as this sounds I was told back in Feb by a clairvoyant that we would experience a delay in having a baby but once we start there will be no stopping us. She said we would end up with twin boys and then a girl! This matches the results I got. As it took us 18mths to conceive the 1st go around I can't tell you how much this has lifted my spirits! Thank you so much Nancy.


Katie - July 18

Cool, I had forgotten all about this fun trick(we used to do it in junior high for fun!). Mine still says the same thing! One girl, ever since I was very little I always thought I'd have a girl(I would like more than one child...but I'm sure it's not set in


Sue - July 18

Nancy, if this thread was meant to lift spirits all in good fun, then it was all worth it! I wish you all lots and lots of baby dust! Our time is coming... maybe not tomorrow, next month or next year... but it is coming!! God Bless!


Nancy - July 18

Hi Sue and the rest of the ladies! Thank you so much and i'm really happy that this old trick had lifted your spirits and you had fun doing it. I guess in this most difficult part of our life TTC and having a lot of stress we need a little break and things that will help us relax. Just keep us posted when babies arrive and it the trick works for you.Baby dust to everyone hope we get pregnant very soon.


annette - July 19

hi...adding to the fun episodes.. did u know that the same trick works on guys too... it will say how many kids he will have!! try it... :)


Kellie - July 20

Girl Boy Boy is what mine said! That would be perfect.


Sue - July 20

Thats true Annette! I did it on d/h and he got girl then boy! Atleast i know he will be having them with me!! lol


Taneka - July 20

Whats your problem Lame it says just for fun and people like me need to do stuff like that for fun after trying for a year thanks Nancy


bump - July 24




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