Temp Elevated, symptoms present, BFN, questions
2 Replies
Maireth - May 3

I chart and am fairly certain I ovulated the weekend of April 8th. About a week to 10 days later I started noticing Mongomery's Tubercules, breast veins, swollen breasts, acid reflux, and fatigue. At the time my period would have been due i started tiny brown spotting. A few days later it was stronger and pink/brown/red alternately. Over the following weekend it got strong enough (accompanied by right/central pain) that I used a total of 3 pads over 3 days and afterwards light enough that I used no pad again and now it's stopped. I'm PCOS and had a cyst 9 months ago so I assumed that's what happened here. But I realized this morning that my temperature never dropped. It's been within a tiny range hovering around 97.9 since April 10th. My breasts still hurt


Maireth - May 3

So I hit enter prematurely =/ oops!

My question is pretty simple....what's going on with my crazy body?! Anyone have an experience remotely similar?


Meighen N. - May 3

Have you concidered going to your Dr and getting tested through blood? They would be able to determine if your levels are high enough for prenancy. Good luck to you...baby dust!



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