still trying..
3 Replies
karla - July 11

my husband had vasectomy reversal a year ago because we're planning for another baby since my eldest is already 6. i'm feeling hopeful at first but turned out to be a bit depressed because after a year of trying i am still negative. what seems to be the problem? anyone here had the same experienced?


sheila - August 1

actually the chances of vasectomy reversal depends on how much time has passed between the vasectomy and reversal. meaning to say, if your husband had a vasectomy for a long time, let's say 5-10 years, success rate is only about 30 percent.


cristy - August 24

my friend's husband had a vasectomy for 6 years. she got pregnant a year after the reversal. so yes, there's a possibility of getting pregnant, it just takes time though. good luck!!!


jaya - August 26

we're still trying after almost 2 years from the time of reversal so can't really offer any advice here. good luck anyways, don't lose hope..



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