Spotting ten days before period due
19 Replies
Tracy88 - March 5

Chantelle, I didn't read back through all of the posts, but has your doctor checked your day 21 progesterone level yet?


Chantelle - March 5

Tracy, I thought it was worth mentioning at my last appointment bc so many people on here mentioned it but when I did my doctor really seemed to disregard it. For a short summary. I'm only 23 years old, and basically what annakb (the first post on here) has been experiencing is what I have been experiencing. I have spotting always 9 or ten days before my period and it lasts until my period starts. Its been happening for the last ten months and for some reason during the month of August it didn't happen at all. I've been for a pap and an ultrasound-both came back normal. I was put on a low dose pill but that hasn't been helping so I'm feeling really helpess in terms of what to do next. That's why I re-posting, hoping someone would notice.


lis5 - March 7

Hi!! I have the same problem. I used to have normal 28 day cycles. However, since the birth of my son almost 2 years ago I start bleeding every month on the 19 or 20 day of cycle. The bleeding is only slightly lighter than my regular period. I had hormone test-norma, I had uterine lining biopsy-normal, I had a level 2 ultrasound- normal... Since I am trying to have a baby they have put me on clomid and I hope that this lengthens my cycle and hopefully I will get pregnant. I understand that if you bleed any sooner than 10 days after you ovulate that this can cause infertility. I am on my 7th month of trying, but I also only have one tube due to an Ectopic pregnancy in July. If I am not pregnant after 3 months of being on clomid, they are doing a DNC, a dye test to check tubes and laproscopic surgery to look at the inside. It took me about 5 doctors to get them to try me on clomid and to actually have a plan in place if I am not pregnant in a few months. I at least feel like I am finally getting somewhere.


Chantelle - March 8

lis, thanks so much for your response. Two years is a long time to deal with this problem. I don't know about you but after ten months (!) I am fed up. Mind me asking what clomid is? Good for you for pushing for a change, I'm beginning to realize how much you have to speak up to get stuff done. Good luck and PLEASE keep me updated when you find out anything.



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