sex and clomid
4 Replies
Kim - March 14

I am climd 50 mg per day for cycle days 3-7. My doc told me to have sex days 10, 12, 14 my question is can I have before those days. I am cycle day 5 I would like to but I don't know if it will mess things up. I know it may be a weird question but please answer.


Heather - March 14

HELL YES YOU CAN! Go for it! Dr's usually advise the sex days as a "make sure you AT LEAST have sex on those days" There is absolutely no reason to not have sex before or after those days. The "every other day" (10,12,&14) is because it will build up the sperm count in dh/partner. Good luck!


jb - March 14

I started having sex every other day from the 1st tablet there was no way i was gonna miss ovulation!!! Can u tell im desperate 4 a baby haha xx


Renee - March 14

You should keep having sex after that too. I am on my first month of clomid, and my dr said have sex every other day on days 10-18.


C - March 16

I was on clomid 50mg days 5-9 and I didn't O until cd19. Dr told me to do it 12,14 & 16th. I didn't O until 3 days later...



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