Quick Question
3 Replies
MeaganG - April 19

Okay girls I have decided to try for a baby! I stopped taking my bc pills 5 days ago and I just got my AF today when do you think would be the best day to try and conceive?


na25 - April 19

(just go to this site, it calculates you your fertile days) http://www.babycenter.com/calculators/ovulation/


wannabeamom - April 19

You can also go to Yourdays.com for an ovulation calender. I would also recommend using some form of OPK. GL and babydust!


Tracy88 - April 19

I agree with wannabeamom, use an ovualtion predictor kit. They are well worth it. You can get them at your local drug store. I either use Clearblue or First Response. I write down in my agenda book what type of cervical mucus I have and when I get an LH surge from the kit, that way I can always look back for info. Plus if it starts to take a while for you to get pregnant, you are going to be asked questions by doctors that you will be able to answer. I didn't use the kits for quite a while and regret wasting my time because I learned that I am an early ovulater. Anyway, hope this helps.



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