2 Replies
mousie - April 7

Hi, I have found so much comfort after finding this site and reading everyones stories. i hope someone can help me. I had a miscarriage around this time last year. My husband and i waited for awhile before trying to conceive again. Here we are now trying and no luck. We went to see a specialist and we all these tests done to find out nothing is wrong. We decided to try IUI because I was getting tried of nothing happening. After the second IUI, i went in for blood work to check my progestrone levels and they were a little low so I was put on prometrium vaginally. I am not going to find out if I am pregnant until monday, April 9th. my question is why would my dr put me on prometrium if he doesn't even know if I am pregnant yet?


sharerc - April 7

Progesterone helps prepare the uterus lining for a pregnancy. You must have it so the baby will find a home in your uterus. I'm on Prochieve, which is a vaginal suppository. It's just a preventative.


mousie - April 7

Thanks, I just wanted to make sure. Unfortunately I think that AF is coming



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