pregnant after a d & C
2 Replies
Tracy - July 5

i had a d & c after the birth of my 2nd child in 2000. I have been trying to get pregnant in the last year and have been unsuccessful. Has anyone else had a hard time getting pregnant after one of these?


Drew - July 5

Hi Tracy, I had a d&c done after a miscarriage. I was told that it may cause problems in the future in regards to scaring in the vagina, cervix uteris or all three. Talk to your doctor about it, especially if you can talk to the doctor who performed the procedure. Good luck!! :)


For Tracy... - July 13

I had a D & C after i miscarried a few months back. I was told that it will not cause problems in conception for later on. Actually, a D & C does dont cause scaring of the vagina or the cervix and if the D & C is done correctly it will do no damage to your uterus. The D & C is a cleaning process and it should cause you no harm.
Good Luck. army wife



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