1 Replies
charnele - September 29

I had an abnormal pap smear and my cycle have'nt been on for 6 months and I know for sure I'm not pregnant and I'm not any birth controll is it possible for me to get pregnant still


Gina - September 29

Its hard to give you a good answer as #1 not a doc and #2 not sure what your diagnosis is. I do know that you can talk to a fertility specialist about taking drugs to induce your period (amen, cycrin,progesterone and provera). Once you get your period you would need to start charting your BBT (temps) or using an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) to see if you are ovulating. This will help you and your doc determine if you ovulate normally and if not he/she can help you with the optiops you have. There are also fertility drugs (clomid,serophene) that can help with fertility. There are other options besides taking drugs that im sure your doc could help with. sometimes simply changing your diet and excercise routine can help "regulate" your period. Keep in mind all of us women are different so to better help your situation i would see your doctor or a fertility specialist.They may be able to tell you if you have any condition. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarion syndrome) and i just found out almost a month ago. I took progesterone to induce my period and clomid to help get pregant. Im just waiting for ovulation! Good Luck and lots of baby dust!



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