2 Replies
Jenny - January 3

Hi girls. My dh and I have been ttc for one year. I am always on a 28-day cycle. This month my period came one week early - VERY UNLIKELY for me. What do you think this could be? I don't think it is implantation because it is pink and a pretty regular flow (so far - I am on day 2). Tomorrow I have to take my prolactin test (to check my progesterone levels). Could it be implantation? or is it usually a lighter flow? Should I still take the prolactin test?? any info. will be appreciated. Thanks.


Ashleyg - January 3

also wondering about this...


ashlee - January 3

hi there jenny. im no doctor but i have heard of cases where a woman has had a a normal 'period' and still been pregnant. im not trying to give you false hopes though. Sorry im not really that much of a help, but i think the best thing you can do is to go to a doctor and find out why you came on a week early. Good luck jenny!!!



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