period pains
5 Replies
ann - September 19

i've been off the pill now for 15 months with a view to getting pregnant naturally rather than charting ovulation. However as time has gone on i'm looking a bit closer at my cycle. this month i made sure we had sex every day for a week around my ovulation date. my period is due next monday, im getting 'period pains'. my question is can you get these pains if you are pregnant or does it look like ive been unsuccessful.


lyz - September 27

period like pains can be down to implantation or the uterus enlarging in early pregnancy but also can have them when due on. ive benn havin pains for nearly 2 weeks but i was on hols and not sure when ovulated, not had a period since april, but bbt raised when got back. i suppose you just need to test! good luck to everyone!! xx


M'Rita - September 27

Hi Girls,
I'm sorry I can't really help, but I'm in the same boat as u. I had really strong period pain like on my ovulation day and now I've been having the periods-like pains for almost 2 weeks. I don't know if it's because AF should arrive in a minute? Today is CD36/38 and 2nd month ttc after pill. I'm just going to wait for the witch to show


Robyn - September 27

Hello - i'm also in the same boat. From what i have read - many women feel period like cramps in the very early stages of pregnancy. I guess it feels like AF is coming, but she never shows up! So, hopefully these cramps and pains that we feel is just our uterus' growing and getting ready for baby! I'll be testing tomorrow, 11 dpo, it may be too early, but i can't wait any longer! Good luck to everyone! babydust!


Mega - September 27

Good luck! It could be a good sign.


Cassie - September 27

I felt like I was having period cramps when I was actually pregnant. I waited and waited... sure af was coming. She was late and finally I tested when I thought I was about to explode (very bloated). Sure enough, I was pregnant.



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