Ovulex or Fertilityblend?
2 Replies
djs2621 - April 22

Hi, I am 41 and would like to add baby #2. I got pregnant at 37 with no problem, but having not been on birth control since, we started "seriously" trying for 5 months. I've read about both Ovulex and Fertilityblend and wondered if anyone has tried both and the results. Time is ticking so I want to try the one that works best....thanks.


na25 - April 22

I did. Used fertily blend for 3-4 months. Didn't concive. And now I am using Ovulex...16th day...will let you know if it works...


na25 - April 22

So, since everybody is different, fertility blend may work for u. I am really confident that Ovulex will work for me, for baby #2. In your case I would buy Ovulex, but you choose! Good Luck!!!!!!!



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