2 Replies
anna - December 18

can anyone please tell me the most common signs of ovulation besides the basal temp?


to anna - December 19

EWCM: egg white cervical mucus. It's stretchy like "egg whites". Also, cervix position is SHOW: soft, high, open and wet. Just remember! Every woman's body is different and your signs could vary... Best of luck!


me - December 20

Ovulation pains (Mittleshmertz)- twinges or sharp cramp above your ovary. Sometimes you get a dull ache with bloating. EWCM - not everyone gets that per se, but you should get watery or extra creamy around your fertile time. Mine is watery, not egg white like. Just letting you know the other forms of EWCM. You should definitely get some form of it though around your fertile time.



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