Once a miscarriage, always a miscarriage??
2 Replies
Alyssa - September 5

Hello, I just recently miscarriaged. This was our first month trying, my first confirmed pregnancy, and then my first miscarriage. Anyone have an idea if I will always have a problem with miscarrying? On my side of the family it is very rare, but on his it's common. Any input would help me greatly!


Lena - September 6

There are so many reasons for a m/c so if you'll have future m/c really depends upon the reason for m/c. The two most common reasons for m/c are low progesterone levels, which can be determined by a simple blood test and then you dr can place you on pregesterone supplements. This would be a habitual cause. Another possible cause of m/c, and impossible to test, are low-intergrity conceptus. With this, the conceptus is weaker and unable to continue to grow. In younger woman, these are typically 1x events.


D. - September 6

More than likely, you'll not have continuous miscarriages. The reasons are myriad and many times, even testing can't answer what went wrong. If you would like to meet some women who are very close and offer a great deal of support specifically dealing with loss, please email me at [email protected]. You'll meet many women who have had losses (some multiple times) but who have also gone on to successfully conceive.



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