On CD 14..Very Close To "O"-ing..NE Cycle Buds??
4 Replies
sherry - November 1

anyone close to the same CD as me?? i BD last night, but unfortunately dh is tired today. i must get him in the mood for the next few days. i hope it's possible. iam testing, hopefully i won't miss my surge. it can be tricky. anyone ovulating soon?? join my crew! much love, sherry


Jamie - November 1

Hey Sherry - I am on CD 13 today and I am hoping to ovulate any day now. So far all opk's are negative. We bd last night as well...


sherry - November 2

hey jamie, how are you?? hubby was in no mood last night, but i can feel some "o" pains starting to come on, and i usually get those the day before, so i definately need to bd tonight. hope i can get him in the mood. why are they always tired or ill when we really need them? lo. good luck girl!! sherry


Jamie - November 2

I here you! My husband had to bowl last night and he is in a later league so he didn't get home until after one last night and by then I was sound asleep. He asked me when he got into bed if I wanted to, I of course declined seeing I was half asleep when he asked! So tonight is definitely the night for us... although I have yet to get a positive opk. The one I did today was negative. Hopefully it will happen within the next couple of days!!


sherry - November 3

hey jaime,

welp last not was a no show again, and iam definately feeling now is the time, or super close to it, so i better do something today to get him going, or else i could miss out totally. better find somethin sexy to wear! good luck to you:)

ps- i thought we were the ones who were supposed to come up with the excuses? lol



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