No LH Surge?
3 Replies
joann - September 7

I had a miscarriage last Sept and have been trying to get pregnant since 1/06. During the past few months I have been using ovulation tests and I have never gotten a positive result. I have been testing in the morning, mid-day, and at night. I have even tried different brands of tests. I must be ovulating because I have my periods. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?


lovemy3 - September 7

Hi there, Unfortunately, you can get your period and not be ovulating for a variety of reasons. have you spoken to your dr about not seeing any positive OPK's?


linds99 - September 7

Try collecting your urine in a cup and dipping it in their instead of peeing on it. That may give you a better reading. Also, you can get anovulatory bleeding when estrogen levels lower, which causes a period.


joann - September 8

Thanks for the advice. I do have a doctors appt later this month to discuss.



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