Nk Cells and Miscarriage
4 Replies
BrendaW - January 19

Has anyone heard of this or gone through treatment for this. My doctor tells me this is why I have been miscarrying?


nic - April 21

I've never heard of it. Can you tell us what it is?


wannabeamom - April 21

Did you doctor say you have Natural Killer cells? I did a Google search and it says it is an immune disorder. Do a search for NK cells. GL & babydust.


isa - April 21

NK cells are natural killer cells. I was tested for that as well and may get results tomorrow with other b/w he ran and chromosomal testings. I'm not sure how many of my tests will be back. I've had 3 chemical pregnancies in 7 months. I copied this over from the sharedjourney website: Why Natural Killer Cells Cause Miscarriage:
In some women, the natural immune system response of the NK cells goes into overdrive. This means that the NK cells view the embryo as a cancer and decide to take action. Once the embryo has been identified as an "invader", your NK cells will multiply in number in order to have more killing power. They will then attach to the embryo and kill it in the same way they would kill any other cell.

Because this is not a typical response of the immune system, it is likely that you will experience multiple miscarriages due to NK cells. However, with a proper diagnosis and treatment, it is possible to successfully achieve pregnancy. Treatment
Useful treatment is available if you are found to have elevated levels of natural killer cells in your system. The main form of treatment tends to be IVIg infusions, a type of intravenous drug that helps to suppress the immune system. IVIg therapy has been shown to have an 80% success rate associated with it.

If you have been diagnosed with natural killer cells, it is important to also have regular monitoring of your thyroid performed. Approximately 5% of women with elevated natural killer cells will develop hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Therefore, it is necessary to have yearly thyroid testing done.


isa - April 21

Here is the website I got it from http://sharedjourney.com/define/nk.html There will be no dashes or hyphens if they show up.



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