2 Replies
desperate - July 17

i have been trying for a baby now for a year and 3 months. some of my periods are extremely painful and others are not. is it possible that when i have the painful ones i could be having a miscarriage before i reach a month? please help


kc - July 17

It maybe you are having very early mc, or it maybe endometriosis. The samething happened to me. Only I also had very heavy bleeding for 5 days and spotting for up to 15 days. It was horrible. They found out I had endo. after a laparoschopy. 6 months after the surgery I got pg. My daughter is now 4.5 yrs old. We have been ttc #2 for 15 months with no luck. MC in April. I go to doc in the fall to see what's wrong. I hope this helps. Maybe you should see the doc and place your concerns.


Lena - July 17

Are you cycling regularly? Its highly unlikely that an early term m/c would cause severe pain or cramping. Typically the conceptus quietly dissolves and a late AF is the only noted sign. Have you been checked my your doctor for endometriosis? Endometeriosis is typically marked by painful menstration.



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