Metformin Question
3 Replies
mrose - March 15

I started taking metformin on Feb. 12th, 2006, started with 500mg a day, then after a week went to 1000mg a day. Doctor says this is suspose to regulate my cycle. My cycle before this was 79 days in between periods and was brought on with provera. It is now cd31 and no period...starting to think I'm going to have to take provera again. How long did it take for metformin to regulate any of you ladies??? Thanks in advance and babydust to everyone!


mrose - March 17



angel - March 17

hi i just stopped taking metformin about a week ago and my period just came today i dont know how metformin works on everyone but for me it seemed to stop my period cause i havent had one since september


mrose - March 17

thank you angel for stopped your period? Before I started it I had not had a period in 79 days, had to make it start with provera.....then started the metformin, was told it should help regulate me. I am now on cd33...I have an appt with my gyno today though. For a my yearly. I'm sure she'll tell me what i need to know, but thank you again for relying.



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