5 Replies
Vicotria - July 5

Is any one takeing both med??
I have PCOS. My doc put me on metformin for 2 month alone and nothing happened. Last month he put me on metformin and clomind, I did ov but I did not get pregnant. this month he put me on metformin and femara.
Have any one got pregnant with this combo?


MelissaS - July 6

Hi Victoria, I was going to ask my doctor about that combo tomorrow. Good luck!


Victoria - July 6

Hi MelissaS, please let me know!!!!


M- - July 14

I've been on Met for a month - and just had Femara prescribed


Melani - July 26

I have been on Metformin and Actos for 7 months (PCOS) I had my second dose of Femara in June and am 7 weeks pregnant! Today is the first of many I am sure ultrasound. We have been trying for close to three years and have experienced 3 mis. No children yet, but are hopeful this is the one!


xokimxo - July 27

I am on Metformin and Femara for this month. The past 3 months i have been on Clomid and metformin. Which i had no success with. I also have PCOS and have gotten pregnant naturally but unfortunately it resulted in a M/C. After we decided to try again, the doc decided she wanted to put me on clomid, which was terrible. But now i am on femara and you wouldnt even know you are on the med. I have some friends who have PCOS and they have concieved with metformin.



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