messed up cycles!
3 Replies
rosierabbit - October 20

hi, i'm new here so not really sure how it works.

Anyway, my cycles are ranging from 30 days up to 45! mosty they're around 32-34 days. I'm on day 22 and have been using ovulation tests from day 14. every one has been negative. also, this month I've had spotting - or dark brown discharge, sometimes blood sometimes a bit (sorry if too much info there!)

anyone got a clue what's been going on? I've been trying to concieve for about 6 months now with no luck at all!

thanks in advance


CourtneyHope - October 21

I had the same problem when trying to conceive. I had maybe 2 periods in 6 months, and those damn ovulation sticks never worked for me. Even when I conceived they still didn't work. As you doctor about provera. It is used to start your period so you can have it regularly. I used it once, and it helped jumpstart things. I then used two cycles of femara. Now I am 18 1/2 weeks prego!!! My hubby and I tried for a year and a half, so I know how sucky it can be. Are you stressed? My dr never told me this was the reason, but I believe it with my whole heart. I was at a horribly stressful job while trying to fix my cycles, check ovulation all that good stuff. I quit that job for a job anyone would hope for, I had my first period without medication, and four weeks later I was prego! I tracked my cycles for a year, and it was kinda hard because they were so random...I also bought 'The Fertility Journal' that really helped track my cycles and the medication I took to help. I am sorry for the long novel, but I was in here not too long ago, and any little bit helps!! Good Luck and let me know how it all works out!!


clindholm - October 21

Hi Rosie- I had good luck with the opk's but I have heard that they don't work for some women. I think starting testing at cd10 is recommended, so you may have missed it. You can also take your bb temp daily to track ovulation. Go to Fertility Friend dot com and you can sign up for a free account and they will send you daily emails that will tell you other ways to determine your fertile window (cm, cp, etc). As far as the spotting, I have heard of but not experienced ovulation spotting so that or implantation bleeding could be the cause. Hopefully it's implantation. Good luck!


rosierabbit - October 21

thanks girls. well this morning there was a VERY faint ovulation line! so we'll see when my period turns up (or hopefully it wont)
Yes I have been stressed. I had a lump in my breast (turned out to be nothing but it was monitored for a few months before having a biopsy), was in a car crash, can't get a job so am doing supply (I'm a teacher) so every morning i sit around hoping to get a call, my gran had pre-cancerous cells on her ear and needed an op on that, hubby reckons his business miht shut down his office and leave him unemplyed so it's a bit stressful just now! also supply teaching is stressful, not just because I'm earning tiny amounts but also cause there's no routine, no getting to know the kids, they act up and it's really tough!

well there's another novel! bet you're sorry you asked now! I have been tracking my cycles since we started ttc but it just changes so much each month it's imossible to know what stage I'm at.

Is it possible to ovulate at day 10 and have a period on day 35-45? hopefully it is implantaion spotting - that would be great!



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