5 Replies
jodie - October 25

hi me and my feanca have been trying for a year i had a miscarge and now i cant get pregnant all i want is to be prg and happy and start a family and sex potions i should do?


P - October 25

How about work on your spelling? And get married first.


me - October 26

Talk to your dr. Go to an RE if you have been trying but can't get pregnant. He will be able to tell you what you need to do and give you options. Good luck. And don't listen to P being a smart ass.


no name - October 27

I hate to be mean, but "P" that was a hysterical comment!!!


To P - October 27

You rock! That was hilarious!


!!! - October 27

Yeah I am not the best speller but that was bad!!! o yeah and Jodie try froggie style.



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