Jealousy is killing me
24 Replies
Nikki - March 30

I know how you feel, it's been almost 8 months of TTC for us, and I am trying my best to be patient. I'm just thinking of adoption as a back-up plan - something that keeps me from falling apart and giving up hope. I helps to think that even if I can't conceive, I can still have a baby. But yes, I want to be pregnant and give birth to my own child - it's not really the DNA think that bothers me. I know from experience that you grow to love the people you consider to be family whether you share the same genes or not.
Another friend of mine told me not to be sad, because personally, she had hated being pregnant. That certainly didn't make me feel any better!


JenG - March 30

Hi, I am new to this blog, but I know what you girls mean! Unfortunately, I am on miscarriage #2, first one lost at 16 weeks and second at 6 1/2 weeks just this month. We are deviastated... This christmas during our 2nd month of failing my competitive SIL announced she was pregnant after the 1st month of trying. She is now 22 wks. I haven't been able to communicate with her much... just by email. Ugh. I hate that this was easy for her and not for me. How does one get past this? Plus, I am forced on Sun to do a 'family' thing.


soimpatient - March 31

Honestly, I'm about to lose it!!! Another one of my friends is pregnant!!! I swear...This is really starting to get to me. I know it is horrible for me to be so jealous but I can't help it. I also feel bad because my husband would be the best Dad. I feel like I am letting him down by not being able to give him a child:(


rhea - March 31

Can I just say that there is also another side of the spectrum here. I have 2 boys already they were hard to concieve but I still have them. I have a friend who can't concieve, she has always wanted a baby, since before mine were born. She just had a miscarriage, it was horrible for her. It is really hard for her to deal with me having kids also. She couldn't even bare to come see my son in the hostpital or until I was home for a week. It hurt me that she couldn't see my baby, but at the same time I figured I knew why. Our relatioship was not as close after my second was born, until I finally just came out with it. I told her it was ok to angry I have kids, and no its not fair she can't and I would still love her to be something to my kids and also let her know she could let me know how she is feeling. This has helped her talk to me and my kids, we are much closer. In fact when she had her miscarriage she told me I was the only one who understood, that meant alot. My point is, is that it is not always as bad as you think it will be if you talk to the one who makes you feel this way. And remember that there are two sides to this, she is probably feeling bad also because the most important things in her life can't be mentioned to her friend.


hopeful - April 1

Oh, yeah. I have been feeling like that quite often lately. I am the one who has always flocked to hold a baby first, and as of lately, I find myself purposely backing away. It seems a new person announces that they are preganant every other day. I hope that my frustrations are not obvious--I really am happy for them. I guess we have to just keep hoping and praying for our time.


kellyann - April 1

i am in the process of adoption! just want to be a mom!!!!!!!


I know how you feel.. - April 2

I feel the same way.. DH and I have been trying now for 8yrs for our second child. I had an eptopic pg 4yrs ago. Since then I have been on clomid and that did not work.. but it helped me ovulate. Just this last year two of my sister-in-laws had babies.. and another friend was pg.. I am so glad that I have wonderful nieces and that they get to share in the motherhood thing. Jelousy is normal.. I agree that some people don't realize just how lucky they are (I for one do know.. our daughter is the best thing in the world that I would not trade for anything!!) I just remember that it will happen when it is meant to happen.. Stress is a major factor in my situation.. so keep your chin up.. it WILL happen!! *~baby dust~*


trulala_wants_baby - April 23

i feel jealous too hun it is normal to get that way i cry and run out of rooms when i see a woman with a baby


Tracy88 - April 23

I began working at Pottery Barn Kids/Baby just to make a couple extra dollars, and I realized after a few weeks how much it actually helped me to immerse myself in babies and mothers. I have heard a million stories about how difficult it was for many of the women I meet to conceive, and it gives me hope. I look at my job as.....I am so close, I can reach out and touch it now. Before it seemed like a distant dream. I have embraced motherhood as something that can, and will, happen to me. Good luck.



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