2 Replies
constance - September 8

I'm nearly 38 and just had my first iui with clomid and hcg. If this cycle doesn't work I'll probably do 2 or 3 more since my insurance will cover the procedure but not the meds. Which brings me to ivf. I've been looking on the internet and it doesn't seem like ivf for my age group (and not using donor eggs) is any more successful than iui. Is this right? My insurance doesn't cover the procedure or the meds. For anyone who has paid out of pocket, did using online pharmacies like Freedom really cut down on the price of meds? (My RE costs are $5500 for ivf and $2-3k for meds.) All replies are appreciated.


ROBYN - September 10

Hi Constance, my DH and I are about to start IVF after 4 cycles of Clomid and Ovidrel trigger shots. Only two cycles were succesful at 150 mg. We decided to get more aggressive. My issue was ovulation and I have a lot of scar tissue from a kidney removal when I was a baby. I have a 8 yoa son from a previous marriage. This month we were gonna go with the IUI and injectables but my RE decided to go over our case and thought that IVF gave us at least a 50% chance on the first try opposed to inectables and the IUI which were 12-15%. We were accepted in the Shared Risk Program thru Integramed. I am 37 and my DH is 33. Which gives us 6 IVF cycles 3 fresh and 3 frozen if no baby 70% refund. But... you cant be 38 you have to be 37 before starting the program. Its 18,940 up front then 2-4 thousand a month for meds. None of which are covered thru insurance. So we are waiting for contract and just got accepted on Thursday. For us we would rather take the chances with IVF then spend 4 grand a month on meds with not that much of an increased chance. My RE charges 8940 for one cycle of IVF and then 4 grand for meds so it sounds like you have a better pricing with your RE. What are your live birth rates with IVF at your clinic? Anyway good luck to you.


constance - September 11

ROBYN: Thank you for your reply and congratulations on being accepted into the Shared Risk Program. IVF with a 50% chance of success is awesome. My infertility is unexplained. This cycle I had 4 follicles on 50 mg of clomid, but I think I ovulated the day before rather than after the iui & my dr. only does 1 insem. The percentage of live births at my RE's is 50% for 35-37yrs old, but 37% for 38-40yrs. I'm 3 mos from 38 so I've just included myself in the latter group. I'm going to ask my RE about maybe shortening the time b/w trigger and iui when I go in for blood wk this wk. That might increase my chances by a percent or two. Thank you for sharing your experience.



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