iui & HcG shot on November 9th- any 2ww buddies out there
2 Replies
Liz - November 8

Looking for 2week Ladies in Waiting buddies for post iui #4. Anyone as disillusioned as I am after 4 iui's and clomid?


dea - November 9

hi liz- don't give up... you never know. the whole egg meets sperm deal has its own way of working out. been ttc for 18 months now... dh and i are doing #1 of iui this monday. no meds for me- his sperm need a boost. baby dust to you.... let me know how it goes!


Liz - November 9

Dea- Thanks for responding! I just got home from RE and iui #4 with HcG trigger shot. RN told me my estrogen was so high yesterday- that's probably why I coundn't function . I,m so tired today! Let's keep each other in our prayers. Baby dust and many blessings. PS I've beeen ttc for 3 mths naturally w/o ovulating regularly and 3 mths. with clomid.



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