is this possible???!!! PLEASE HELP!
4 Replies
mags - May 16

is it possible to be pregnant and still have regular bleeding? like a period. and how heavy would these "periods" be? exactly like your normal one?


milissa - May 16

NO" it will be very different light some what different in color, no cramps,brownish pinkish..but everyone is different? So its kinda hard to tell..


Cutie - May 17

Mags, our bodies are so very different, and its really hard to say, however some woman do have REGULAR periods during pregnancy. Most of those people have it up to 3-4 month of pregnancy, some however may have it throughout. I have read that its rare, but it does happen.


Allie - May 17

My older sister had regular periods through her first trimester with both of her pregnancy, and had no problems or complications - I had a light period right after becoming pregnant, and my pregnancy was ectopic - you just never know if bleeding will be normal in pregnancy, so if you suspect pregnancy PLEASE see a dr. - I lost a tube when the pregnancy ruptured, and I would hate for anyone to experience that when the dr could help!


Amanda - May 17

Yes, it is possible. My friend was almost 7months pg before she found out. She only gained about 15 pounds and that was after the 7month mark. She had normal periods the WHOLE time. Normal bleeding, amt, color, etc.



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