is there something seriouly wrong with me???
1 Replies
Sovi - November 28

i use 2 b very regular..between 28 and 30 days. then in june of 06 i took the depo shot for the very first time. since i didnt like the side effects it was giving me, instead of taking the 2nd shot in sept, i started alesse, from the 3rd to the 30th, taking the active pills for 4 weeks straight. i got a bleeding on oct 11. since then, i havent bled again, am getting every single pregnancy symptom, but 2 negative hpt's, which i took on the 16th and the 25th. i would have sworn i ovulated on the 26th of oct, because of my ovulation symptoms. ladies, if im not pregnant, then what could possibly be the problem? if i didn't ovulate then, when would i possibly ovulate if those symptoms i received weren't accurate? ladies, please help me. my system is out of whack and i'm going out of my mind. thanks.


annakb - November 28

I don't have much of an answer for you, except that you should go see your dr. and get a blood test, that would tell you for sure if you were pregnant or not. Otherwise I don't really know why you wouldnt be having a period, except that bizarre stuff can happen to our cycles when coming off of that depo and for me even just the pills. Good luck, let us know what you find out!



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