Is it normal???
1 Replies
tatinhamarques - October 30

Hi. I'm 20 years old, and I was on "the pill" for one year.
A couple of months ago (3 or 4), I stop the pill.
I got married in march and my husband as well as all my family members wants me to have a baby.
Me and my husband don't use the "calendar" to see when I am fertile or not, and we don't have sex everydaya and I didn't get pregnant yet.
Is everything ok with me or should I go see a fertility doctor?


prayn4baby - October 30

You need to make sure you're having intercourse at the right time. Everyone is different as far as what time of the month they ovulate. There is only about a 12-24 hour window when you actually can get pregnant, but the sperm can live in you for up to a few days, so you could actually get prego on a day that you don't have intercourse. There are so many ways to figure out your ovulation time and I think the best source is at Good luck!



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