Infertile...I hate that word
10 Replies
Ruby - August 4

So I went to my Dr yesterday since I began bleeding (AF I think) on day 19 of my cycle after taking my 1st round of clomid. This was really strange to me since I am very irregular and have extremely long cycles. My dr ended up referring me out to an infertility specialist. It broke my heart when I heard the nurse on the phone making my appt with the new doc...she said the reason for my reason would be "infertility". That hurt...especially because I'm only 26 and have already conceived twice (still no kids though). Anyone else going through this?


merlee - August 5

Hi, Ruby. I refuse to admit that I may be infertile. I just have not gotten preggo yet. I am 37 and have been ttc for 3yrs. I believe that I WILL have the family I always dreamed of with my wonderful DH. You have to believe you will, also. I was watching Oprah today and she said "You do not become what you want. You become what you believe." So start believing, everyone!!!


ruby - August 5

hey, that's funny. i was watching oprah at the gym yesterday too, and it also struck a nerve when i heard her say that exact line. I BELIEVE I WILL GET PREGNANT SOON. : ) how are you doing merlee?


KellyN - August 5

I totally understand!! I went to a gyno that said that to me too, so I found another one! My new gyno doc office is called "Gyn and Fertility". They are experts in the various levels of "fertility", not "infertility". I think your doc was incorrect to call the specialist an "infertility specialist". A true fertility specialist will know better!! Good luck to all of us this cycle!!! We will be mommies!!! -kelly


ruby - August 5

thanks kelly. actually, i'm not really sure what this new dr's actual title is, but just hearing the nurse utter the words "infertility" made me cringe. i do believe it is only a matter of time though. i'm looking at the bright side...the sooner we figure out why i haven't conceived yet, the sooner they can "fix" me and get me pregnant!! i can't wait. :) what is your situation, kelly?


KellyN - August 5

Hi Ruby! I am 36 and ttc for the first time. We had been at it for a year with no luck, so that's when I found a good doc. He did an ultrasound and found out I have pcos. I had been doing a lot of research on the net, so I knew about pcos, but never dreamed I had it! So I was quite upset and in shoch the beginning of this cycle. I am taking avandia for the pcos, did clomid days 5-9, had an hcg shot to trigger ovulation (I had 7 follicles big enough to make eggs this month), and started taking projesterone last friday to build up the uterus for implantation. I also had an hsg to check out my tubes, which are open (thank goodness!). My doc is not wasting any time getting me right where I need to be to conceve. I'll know next week if it was a success! If it isn't they will do iui next month. Let us know how your doc visit goes. Hopefully, if there is a problem it can be diagnosed quickly and fixed. It was terrible finding out I had pcos, but also a relief for me know why we were not getting pg. - kelly


ruby - August 5

kelly--it sure does look like you and your dr are on the right track. that's great that he's not wasting time. the sooner the better, right?! it just amazes me when i think of all the poking & probing we have to go through while some women out there get pregnant by their husband just glancing their way : ) loads of baby dust to all of us *~*~*~*~*~*~


merlee - August 6

Hey, Ruby. I seem to be a little moody today. Just not real chipper. I am 4dpo, waiting for Aug 14. Feeling really fat!


ruby - August 8

hey merlee. you know, when i was pg last november, one of the very first signs i had was my incredible moodiness. i would yell and cry at the drop of a hat...and i remember that i felt like that very soon after i believe i conceived. i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!


merlee - August 8

Ruby, thanks for the encouraging words. In 34 months of ttc, I have never even had the opportunity to test. So I read about everyone's symptoms of preg. and hope, yet everyone is different. No way of knowing except just wait. So I wait, again. I did think that 4 dpo was kinda early for me to get moody. And my BBs are killing me, since 2dpo. We'll see.


eb - August 12

Hi girls, Just thought I'd join in. My hubby and I have been ttc for 13 months, no luck. I have had blood test to check harmones ( perfect they say) And I had an Hsg on 8/8/05 ( not good news) both of my tubes are completely blocked and i have a bicornuate uterus. I see fertility specialist on the 29th. My gyn says it will happen but will take a little more effort. Best wishes to all of you i'll keep everyone posted.



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