increase your chances for pregnancy!!
8 Replies
star - September 24

Cervical Fluid is the mucus that is secreted from the cervix. It is produced by the hormone estrogen in the first phase of a monthly cycle. Cervical fluid is an essential element to conception due to its ability to keep sperm alive for up to five days (in fertile quality fluid), protects it from the acidity in the vagina and transports the sperm to the outer third wall of the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.

What Does Cervical Fluid Look Like?
Cervical Fluid will range in abundance, consistency, color and fertile quality due to the increasing level of estrogen within the first phase of your cycle. Typically the changes in fluid will fall into the following pattern.

Dry or Light Moisture - INFERTILE
After menstruation for a period of 3 - 5 days you may experience no fluid at all or a small amount of moisture. Color of any existing fluid is clear or slightly white but will dry immediately on your fingertips. Overall sensation is not wet at this time.

Sticky or Gummy - INFERTILE
Cervical Fluid then changes to feeling sticky for a period of 2 - 3 days. When rubbed between your fingertips it may give a small amount of resistance, feels slightly gummy or may even crumble. The color will range from clear to white and although you may feel a small amount of moisture the fluid is still dry and does not feel wet at this time.

Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - FERTILE
Cervical fluid now becomes much more abundant and will feel wet from 2 - 4 days. It can appear either thick and creamy or like hand lotion and will form peaks in your fingertips when pulled apart or can be thinner and look milky. Color of the fluid is white or yellow and the overall vaginal sensation is wet.

Eggwhite Cervical Fluid - VERY FERTILE
Cervical fluid now reaches its most fertile stage for 1 - 5 days. The fluid will look and have the consistency of eggwhites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips will stretch 1 - 10 inches! The color can be clear or iridescent and the overall sensation is extremely wet.

Dry, Moist or Sticky - INFERTILE
Cervical fluid will now change drastically due to the drop in estrogen and the surge of progesterone following ovulation. It can be dry, watery, moist or sticky and will remain in that stage until the end of your monthly cycle - which is the day before your menstrual period begins. Any fluid at all will dry up quickly upon your fingertips, can range from no color to white and your overall vaginal sensation will be dry at this time.

sorry for it being so long.. I just wanted to share


To star - September 24

Thank you so much for this info it really helps. x


Justine - September 24

Thanks for taking the time to clarify this. It is such a common question on here and one that I'm always looking up when my cm changes throughout my cycle.


isha - September 25

Thanks star,but i wanted to know how can we differentiate between normal and fertile one.and i also have a question to ask you that my vagina gets dry sometime very dry are these ovulating days.mine is a 32-34 days cycle my last menses were on 15 so what will be my ovulating dates.can you plzz gimme your little time and answer my question.i will be very thankful to you.


star - September 28

Hello isha, start keeping track of your temperature on the first day of your period using a basal body thermometer (you can buy one at any pharamcy), which shows minute changes in your temperature. You should take your temperature as soon as you wake up and before you get out of bed. A woman's preovulatory waking temperatures typically range from about 97.0 to 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with post ovulatory temperatures rising to about 97.6 to 98.6 degrees. After ovulation, they will stay elevated until the next period, about 12 to 16 days later. If you were to become pregnant , they would remain high throughout your pregnancy. The rise in temperature signifies that ovulation has already occurred. The temperatures before ovulation will go up and down in low range, and the temperatures after ovulation will go up and down in high range. Before ovulation, you are safe the evening of a dry day. Sperm cannot survive in a dry vaginal environment, and the lack of cervical fluid indicates that estrogen levels are too low for ovulation to occur. The last day of wet cervical fluid or vaginal sensation indicates the imminence of ovulation, while allowing 4 days for drying up assures that any egg released are already gone, and that return of a dry vaginal environment is inhospitable to sperm survival. You can try plain Robitussin to increase the fertility of your cervical fluid. It has added the benefit of making your cervical fluid wetter. So if you only produce sticky or creamy fluid you ncould try this dosage 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day , starting serveral days before your anticipated ovulation through to the 1st day of your temperature shift. The day of ovulation that will dtermine the lenghth of your cycle. A woman could have an extreme delayed ovulation due to stress or other factors, not ovulating until Day 30 or so. Your ovulation day should be around Sept 30th.. I hope that this help!!


hope - September 28

thank you


to star - September 29

thanx star thank u so much .u really showed me a new path to start a new journey again.i will surely do whatever u sed.may god bless.and gives u all things u wished to have.


to star - September 29

these all blessings were from isha .forgot to mention the name.


Peggy - October 20

If you want to increase your chances, try reflexology. It was the only thing that helped me.



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