If I ovulated right side do I implant right side?
4 Replies
wondering - January 11

On my 2ww and wondering if I ovulated from the right side where would implantation be, also the right or could it be anywhere left or right side?


Someone - January 11

No one seems to answer on here for women who are on their 2ww. Sorry I can't be of service. I am playing the waiting game myself.


Megan - January 11

Hi, I believe it could be anywhere. After the egg leaves the ovary it has to implant in the uterus (not that I'm telling you anything you don't know) and it could be anywhere. Why are you feeling cramps or something?


wondering - January 11

Hi Megan I've been feeling them on left and right side but more left but I feel cramps after ovulating every month and never have been able to hold a pregnancy yet. Came close in November but lost it 4 weeks in.


me - January 12

It can implant anywhere, even near your cervix. Normally it implants in the fundus part of the uterus and cramping can be from anywhere. If you feel cramping over the ovary on the same side you ovulated on, it could be that your feeling the corpus luteum cyst too. Mine is still there and I am 12 weeks pregnant. hope that helps!



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