I'm nearly 38, any one older than me been successful?
49 Replies
To christine - July 27


email me at [email protected] if you want. While I'm not a success story I can point you in a good direction.


Julie - July 27

Christine, yes, I am 38 and got pregnant last December, it ended in miscarriage in March. So we are trying again. My Doctor giggles when I ask if I'm too old for this. He has 5 kids and his wife was 42 or 43 when the youngest was born. He said "trust me Julie, I'll tell you when you're too old." So, that's comforting. Good luck to you!


Christine - November 12

I'm now 38 and they are classifying me as 'old' category. A little disheartening... Any more success stories? I sure could use hearing them! Thanks


Becca - November 12

Just to let you all know, I am not in my 30's yet, but want several kids so will probably be having some then. What I wanted to let you all know is that my mom had me when she was 42 and she had a perfect pg, mowed lawns until she was 8 months pg and all, and then she even gave birth to my sister (another pg) a month before turning 45. Don't give up hope!



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