I'm getting worried....and confused. Fertility after depo.
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jstar - February 9

I am pretty new here. I recently started having a period again after depo provera for almost a year. I had been off of depo for an additional year before my cycle returned and this is my second month charting now. My chart doesn't seem up to par with anything I have read. My temperature is most commonly 97.9. Last month seemed pretty normal as far as cm goes. I think I may have ovulated but there wasn't much of a temp spike. Things happened in a timely, normal matter.
This month has been different. I have had breakthrough bleeding off and on all month, the only temp rise I had was the day af stopped and it was drastic. The "break throughs" have varied from pink, to dark brown, never heavy. and I have recently had a really bad breakout. This never happens to me. I have been feeIing bloated and emotional as well.I am very concerned about what is going on and would like to know if anyone else can relate to any of this. I have had virtually no cm at all and I am on cd26. I thought I should be fertile, but I seem to be wrong. Any thoughts on this would really help.



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