I'm confused
1 Replies
mokhahle - October 3

early around june this year, i was told by the medical practitioner that i have small infection on my womb. That is the one making me not to fall pregnant, right he send me to the hospital and they told me that is not something big. My dates became abnomarl, they gave me the oills to use( postoval), after completing the course of those pills, i went to the clinic to get them for this month. The nurse told me i'm using wrong pills bacause i want a baby, that those pills are for people over 35 upwards. I don't know what to do now. Please help me?


babysearch - October 3

Hi Mokhahle, maybe you need to sit down with your dactor so that he can explain exactly what the pills he has prescribed are meant to do. So is the infection in your womb gone now? I would talk to the doctor though. Good luck



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