I don't know what's wrong with me....Really need some help.
19 Replies
J.D. - November 13

hey deborah, you might want to ask about alesse,it's a low-dose birth control pill.it's the only one i could take and it wouldn't make me sick.it might work for you and not give you the side effects like blood clots.


tonyaandjoe - November 14

deborah, what part of tennessee are you from.


tonyaandjoe - November 14

i have a cousin that got married like 5 or 6 yrs. ago.they prayed,prayed,and prayed, they were about to give up when GOD blessed them with a little girl. thinking since they had a hard time concieving a child for so long, they figured they would have a hard time again. well the baby was 2 or 3 months old when she found out she was prego again. well they had the baby it was a boy she had a reall roug time with him and her husband had surgery done to not have any more. and the dr.'s told my sister she would never have another child she had a miscarriage years ago and they said that had scarred her and she would never have a baby.well she had a boy 4 yrs. ago and he's fine, and now she is prego with her 2 child. i said all this to let people know GOD will bless people with children.so keep your eyes on your heavenly father he will answer our prayers.


tonyaandjoe - November 14

Let's remember why we come to this site it's to be uplifted and to give hope one to another.be a light unto others because GOD is watching all of us and how we act.



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