i am expericing 40 day cycles on clomid?
1 Replies
Shannon - October 24

Took prometrien started period very next day sfter last pill. Started my first cycle of clomid June 23 I did not test for ovulation so on day 30 I started prometrien to begin my cycle, i spotted the last four days. I began my menstrual cycle the day after I stopped the prometrien. began second cycle clomid 8-11 During the second cycle I used home ovulation tests tested positive on 8-20 Day 14 (I heard clomid can give false positive to ovulation early in the cycle) Did not get period pregnancy test was negative when I went to start the next cycle of prometrian day 40 I started my cycle (which means I ovulated) started third cycle of clomid (100 mg) 9-15 started home ovulation day 14 negative on day 20 10-4 the lines were the same color the next day the test line was not there at all so here i am today day 39 and I have not got my period yet. I thought i was going to get it about a week in a half ago because I had abdominal cramp my breasts were sore and my lower back was hurting pretty bad but it all stopped after about 5 days. Do not want to do a pregnancy test because I am tired of negative results it gets very frustrating. So a question is If I ovulate will I definately have a menstrual cycle? what does a 40 day cycle mean? I have been abnormal due to poly cystic ovarian syndrom pretty much since the onset of menstration. Sorry if this message is so scrambled but I have a lot i am trying to get out. If anyone can give any feedback it would be much appreciated


shannon - October 24

please ans with any advise



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