How to get pregnant ?
1 Replies
librabunny37 - October 26

I did not have sex the last 6 years and now I start back having sex . The last 2 month I was trying to get pregnant and did not happen. How long it take to get pregnant if you have not being sex for a long time. 12 year ago I have a miscarriage and now i am tring ro have a baby at 37 years .


Chimerasai - October 26

it shouldn't take you any longer to get pregnant just b/c you haven't been having sex. I know this from experience. I went through a dry spell of a couple of years, then I got pregnant on the first go (that ended in mc). so, take heart that as long as you are healthy and everything is working, you should be fine. If you are worried, I would suggest seeing a doctor just to make sure. Good luck.



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