help charting my cycle
3 Replies
lani - July 20

I have been tracking my cycle my hubby plays football and when the season starts I know that it is going to be hard with him being away and all the games and him being tired so we are really trying maybe I am charting wrong my period started July 16th and are 25 days apart please help


ali - July 20

find out when u ovulate. use an opk test, start charting your basal body temperatures, watch your cervix heights, the opening (called the OS) and your mucous. When you learn how to do all that its God's will when he lets it happen. You want a positive opk, then have sex that day and the next few nights until your temp is high for 3 days in a row, your cervix should be high and open and eggwhite mucous stretchy between your fingers. hope this helps


To Lani-from Staci - July 20

All of Ali's suggestion are correct. To help you understand it all I would suggest getting the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. You can buy it on for $16 bucks! An OPK test is an ovulation predictor kit. You can buy these from any drug store or online. This test is designed to detect horomones that occur right before you ovulate. I hope this helps you out!


lani - July 24

thanks so much for your help



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