HELP!!! Has Anyone with pcos gotten pregnant using ovulex?
1 Replies
andrea21 - July 18

Did anyone REALLY get pregnant from using ovulex? after failed medical intervention cycles with clomid/iui, injectables with iui or ivf?
If so, how long did it take to happen after starting ovulex?
And did you even have a fertility problem ex. Pcos,Endo,blocked tube,Insulin resistance,abnormal uterus,etc?


Lynn - July 19

andrea21...i am diagnosed with pcos. i have not taken ovulex but was prescribed metformin in October of 2005. after 7 months of taking that and using some preseed, i am happy to report i am 11 weeks pregnant. it has not been an easy road as i m/c in 2004 and had an ectopic with emergency surgery(removal of right tube) in september of 2005. i have also done clomid, femera, and injections all either paired with IUI's or alone. my current pregnancy is without fertility treatments.



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