25 Replies
brian - April 4

im 16 and my gf is 13 and she says she wants a baby and says she can support it cause her frineds and sisters have them and thinks it will be easy and i dont know what to do i have stopped having sex with her since she told me and i think its silly and i just need help please


kathy - April 5

Brian she needs to sit down with her sisters and find out all they have given up and sacrificed. You were smart to stop having sex with her. She is very young and needs to enjoy it. I did and I don't regret it one day. She may not be the girl for you. She is also very young to be sexually active. Good luck


brian - April 5

she has talked to them and i went to them when i told them that sarah my gf wanted a baby and she didnt listen to them at all but even when we do/did have sex i have used condoms and im scared now cause she might be messing with them we have only been toghter for 8 months and i know she is the one for me we love each other and i took her virginity and i would never leave her but i hope she rethinks about this we havent had sex since feb


WHAT? - April 5

Is this a joke or something? You two need some serious parental guidance! Put your penis back in your pants and get your education. She needs some serious help too! You are kids! Most of us out here are adults in marriages or long-term committed relationships that CANNOT get pregnant. I'm almost offended! I can hardly believe I'm reading this like it is true!


Dee - April 5

you are very smart to not have sex with her and/or use condoms when you do have sex. you are both to young to try to have a baby right now and if you want to raise a child together you need to have a good education so that you can get a good job and support the child because children are not cheap at all. i think that you should also definitely talk to her parents about this though. i dont think her friends or even her sisters need to know about this as much as her parents do...they need to take the right steps to finding out what's really going on with her. i'm not saying that she's crazy or anything, but i think she needs to speak with a therapist about this because there is something deeper going on than her just wanting a baby right now because everyone else has one. i know because i too thought like this. when i was 15 years old i wanted to have a baby because my friends were having them, but when i talked to my therapist she helped me realize that i didn't want a baby because everyone else was having one, but because i was insecure and was craving love, as i come from a single parent home and my mother was always working and i was alone a lot...and i thought if i had a baby i would have someone to give me constant love. children do give you constant love, but there's A LOT more that comes with the territory of raising a child than just receiving love. i am glad that you deeply care for her and that you want to spend the rest of your lives together, but if that's the case you have plenty of time to have children and there's no need to rush. have fun with eachother, go on vacations together, and just enjoy eachother's company right now cause once you have kids you dont get much alone time. i hope you do talk to her parents about this though...they really do need to know. good luck and i hope you all work something out for the best.


brian - April 5

to what it is true and im trying to help her by trying not to let her/us ruin our lives. she is not even in high school yet or no job and i have a job and getting a good education and saving my money up for my future or something and i help take care of my family including my little sister who is 11 and me and our 23 older bro are taking care of her but i will talk to her parents about this cause if my bro found out he would kill me and i dont want to give my sister ideas or anything . i just want her to think about what she is doing before we might or do do it which i hope not


Emma2 - April 6

Brain, do not have intercourse with her anymore. If you must make sure you use a condom and get some spermicide for extra protection. You are wise and this little child doesn't have the slightest clue what a baby needs, costs and so on. If i were you I would leave her alone and find someone who is more on the same level as you are...Someone with a future.


brian - April 6

i cant leave her i love her with all my life and i will try and talk to her and get her to change her mind if she does get pregnant she will only have 8th grade education and wont go to highschool


Jill - April 6

Brian, do you think it would be acceptable if your 11 year old sister starts sleeping with a 16 year old guy when she turns 13? You have to know this is wrong to have sex with this child. The biggest favor you can do for her, if you love her as much as you say you do, is to help her stay in school and not make any life-changing decisions while she is still a child. I don't care what she thinks she knows. She is sadly mistaken if she thinks a 13 year old should bear children.


brian - April 6

who ever thinks this post is fake its not i really do need help with this and im not joking this is no joke this is REAL!


Emma2 - April 6

If it is so real why are you in a "problems getting pregnant forum?" Makes no freaking sense


brian - April 6

i just thought it be a good room and i just need advice from adults and not teens


Jill - April 6

He/she is here, because he/she knows that most of the women on this forum are level-headed and would be quite appalled by this behavior. Note that he/she did not address my first question in my last post.


brian - April 6

i am telling the truth this is no joke and this is real and i have a problem


Jill - April 6

Brian, would you be ok with it if your 11 year old sister starts sleeping with a 16 year old guy (or a guy of any age for that matter) when she turns 13?


brian - April 6

if my sister did that i would be so mad at her and her bf she better wait till married to have sex and if she got pregnant i wouldnt help her she would get herself into that she could get herself out of it


Jill - April 6

Ok, that is what I thought. So why are you willing to have sex with someone else's 13 year old sister/daughter?? Don't you see how wrong that is? She is a child! You could be criminally prosecuted in most (maybe all) states for this behavior, and there is a reason these laws came into effect. A 13 year old is not capable of giving consent for sex. If you are really telling the truth and your reason for coming on this site is because we are adults, I commend you for that. I also commend your for stopping the sexual activity with your girlfriend. On your girlfriend's post, she has admitted that she is intentially trying to get pregnant by damaging the condoms you use. This deceptive tactic is indicitive of her immaturity not to mention a bad sign for your relationship to have this level of dishonesty. If you love her like you say you do, protect her by not having sex with her until she an adult. Good luck to you.



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