heavy smoker
4 Replies
leah - June 20

does heavy smoker make it harder for woman to get pregnant? what are some ways to improve the chance of getting pregnant? a friend told me that the reason why she's not getting pregnant is because she had past pelvic infection but i personally believe that it is because she smokes hard.


yzza - July 28

i think both.. because both smoking and past pelvic infection can lead to infertility in the long run..


cha-cha - August 1

both can lead to infertility.if she wants to get pregnant, she should stop smoking completely and ask for fertility treatments.


rizalei - August 24

actually you can still get pregnant even if you're a heavy smoker.the only complications will be on the development of the fetus.she will be putting her baby's life at risk if ever.


phine - August 26

i know someone who is a heavy smoker and gave birth to a healthy baby. her baby looks fine at first but later on was diagnosed with heart failure. it's just not right to smoke if you are trying to conceive.



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