Has anyone had CM orange/light red and still been pregnant
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Tryingfor#4 - February 18

My AF is due on Tuesday. I have been feeling sick, headache and my temp is staying up 99.1 which is high for me. My back hurts, boobs etc. I'm concerned because when I wipe my cervix sometimes I see light orange and then at other times it's clear. I did have my thyroid out in September and I'm on synthroid so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I was told I would have to increase my dosage if I got pregnant. Can someone please tell me if they have ever had this before. I know I could probably go ahead and test but I'm so scared of being dissappointed I'd rather wait and see if I start. I never spotting at all or had anything other than clear with my other pregnancies but then again I had my thyroid then and no problems.
Please help!!!!



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