Has anyone got pregnant with just one ovary and one tube?
2 Replies
jj - May 31

Has anyone got pregnant with just one ovary and one tube?


Jill - May 31

My aunt got pregnant with only one working ovary and one fallopian tube. And she did it with no fertility drugs!! Twice!! One of her tubes was removed 5 years ago, and the other ovary was withering because of cysts, the doctors told her she'd never conceive unless she had a baby by the time she turned 23, and she had her first baby right before her 30th birthday! Then another one 14 months later. So yes, it is possible, as long as the working tube and ovary are on the same side. Good luck to you.


Tors - May 31

Hi there, my MIL had an eptopic pregnancy and lost one tube and ovary and went on to have 2 boys and then twin boys. Good luck.



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