1 Replies
sandy - September 9

I have just took my last Femara pill today...i have one son who is 7...i have been trying for 4 years to have a baby.....and nothing about 3 months ago i was told i had pcos.....i went to a fertility specialist and he put me on b/c for one month to regulate....so now i have taken my Femara and i was wondering if anyone has did this before who would like to chat with me about this...i can't stop thinking about it i am 32 and i really want to have a baby so somebody anybody been here before like to talk with [email protected]......


For Sandy .... From xokimxo - September 11

I was on clomid for 4 months with no luck. I am now on my second months of Femara. I wont find out if it worked this month until utleast tomorrow. I had a miscarriage in March with out taking fertility pills. I was told that because i have pcos that i might not be able to concieve. But we were only trying 2 months when i got pregnant the first time. I am not going on 6 months of trying. Yes it is getting frustrating but...I know it will happen. Just like i know it will happen for you. feel free to contact me at [email protected]



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