DOSTINEX & bad headaches?
1 Replies
Alice - August 29

I recently started taking Dostinex to get my prolactin level down. I have only taken 2 pills so far and at night but have noticed that I have really bad headaches the next day. Has anyone noticed this? I've been ttc for a few months now, makes me think maybe these headaches are alright if this drug helps me get pregnant. any thoughts from anyone would help! thanks!


renee - August 31

Hang in there - the headaches are terrible!!! My eyes were also so very dry!!! It does go away ... I had the headaches for about the first 4 weeks of taking it then they just come and go every once in a while - but not every time I take it !!! The dostinex did help me to ovulate -- I even ovulated early the first month on it!! GOOD LUCK!!



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