cycle day 21 and not wanting af anyone else ?
20 Replies
isa - July 22

day 28, temp dropped .6F so i know i'm not pregnant. now i just have to wait for af to show up to go through the whole thing again. Hope you guys had a better month


Amy - July 22

Hello ladies. Sorry it has been a while. In the middle of moving right now. Everything is hectic and hate to say it, but stress full. The moving that is. Believe it or not though, it has actually taken my mind off the waiting game a lil bit. Not completely though. I have only 6-9 more days of waiting left for me. I can not wait. I hope i get the positive I have been waiting for. anyhow, best of luck girls and take care.


isa - July 23

Day 1,,, af came at 8am. better luck next cycle. Amy good luck with the move, try not to stress out too much.


Amy - July 24

Hey isa. I am sorry to here that af showed. I will keep praying for you girl. I will let you know something the 28th. if not that morning then that evening ok? I should start then. Maybe the 29th. Either way, I should be able to test the 28th if I had not started that morning. I normally start in the mornings. Sometimes at night, but mainly the morning. i find out when i wake up lol. anyhow, be sure to keep an eye out for my post so you will know if i am or not. take care girl. :)


isa - July 24

thanx amy i'll look out for your post. good luck.



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