2 Replies
Lucky717 - August 24

Anyone have cramps mid-cycle on Clomid??? I am on cd 16 and having cramps on the left side and lower back pain. AF isn't due til 9/8. Should I call the Dr?


thayward7 - August 24

I can feel my follicles growing when I am on Clomid, it feels like cramping - I can also feel myself ovulate on Clomid, which is stronger cramping. Could it be either of those things? Smiles... T


Lucky717 - August 25

I guess it could me T. I called my Dr. tonight and he said if I get to where I am doubling over in pain to worry about it otherwise he will see me on Monday for my bloodwork on day 21. Should we be BDing tonight? We did last night and think we may take a break tonight but I don't k now. Guess we'll BD in the morning to cover our bases. Man this is sooooo wild!!!! BABY DUST!



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