confused with baby issues please help
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missyann117 - March 28

I have been with my current husband for 5 years and we have three kids between the two of us that live with us but none of our own. I never thought I would want any more kids after my first experience with marriage. I have since changed my mind and want to be able to experience a pregnancy through love and want with my husband. He has only one biological child of his own and is very much opposed to having any more kids even one of our own. He says that if it was to just happen he would be okay with it but being as he is in complete control of all precautions taken that is not going to happen. Any advice on how to deal with this situation or to better understand how to get past this.....I love my husband more than anything but I don't know how to get past this want so that it does not hurt our relationship. I just really need some female insight. I feel like I am alone and completely stupid for how I feel. Help



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