Clomid and Ovulex together?
3 Replies
Hoping4BFP - April 2

Has anyone been on clomid and ovulex at the same time? - April 2

hi hopeing4BPF im on ovulex but not on clomid .... i just wanted to say there was a thread on here a while ago called ovulex and a woman on there asked the same question! some other woman said she had asked her dr and he had said it was not a good idear... i know its alot of hearsay but if i was u i wouldnt take them together until id had a word with my dr hope this helped hun (((((((baby dust ))))))))


Hoping4BFP - April 3

thank you for the advice


~ - April 4

don't take them together!! The vitex in the ovulex is not a good combination with clomid



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